Thursday, April 14, 2011

Washington DC and Seneca Rocks

We went to Washington D.C. for two days. We saw the Washington Monument was really really tall and it had a pointy triangle at the top. I took Flat Lily up to the Lincoln Memorial because it was such a big statue and she asked to see a statue. We walked all the way to Virginia to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We had to stay very quiet to have respect. We also had to stay quiet when we saw President Kennedy’s grave.

                                                       The Washington Monument

                              Mrs. Blackman's Flat Stanley and another horse (still looking for wild ones)

                                        A big statue for Flat Lily. This is the Lincoln Memorial.

                                             The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The campground we stayed at had a playground that was really cool. We had to take a bus and a train to get into the city.

The second day we saw a huge museum that had an elephant right when we walked into the building. It was called the Museum of Natural History. We got to see and touch a whale’s baleen. It felt like really prickly and it tickled my skin. My favorite thing to see was the whale. We also went to the Air and Space Museum. It had a lot of spaceships. We even saw a spaceship that came back to Earth from the moon and it was really tiny.

                                                             The Capitol Building

                                                                    The whale 

After Washington D.C. we went to a big rock called Seneca Rocks. It was in West Virginia. The first time I climbed up, I was a little scared. But when I got to the top I had fun. The rock was really skinny and I was sort of scared, but I got used to it really fast. The next day we went up there again and we went on a toprope, so I felt a little bit better. I only got halfway up because I was stuck. When Mom went up, she saw how I got stuck. She could do it because she is taller.

                                                      Getting ready to go climbing

                                                     At the bottom of the climb

Getting ready to climb over to the "Gunsight". You can see how thin the rock is from here.

                                         This is me and Mom on top 

                                                     All done

                   That "U" shape in the middle of the rock is called the Gunsight. It's really high up.

The campground was cool. It had lots of acorns around. I collected them. My brother and I played tag a lot. We even got to play hide and seek because there was lots of woods around there.

Now we’re headed to Richmond.


  1. Loved to have connected with you and your family while you were at Seneca. It is only about and hour and a half from us. Did you know that there used to be a pinnacle called the "Gendarme" in the notch between the north and south ridge. My son, Kirk and a friend of your mom and dad, climbed atop the "Gendarme" some years ago. Then one day it tumbled down. No one was hurt but we miss seeing it there.
    Sally Adkins

  2. You're very brave, Anna! I think I would've been too scared up there on the top. Looks like you are having a very fun trip so far :)


  3. Hi Anna- We have tried to write you on your blog a few times but it didn't work. Finally I got Mrs. DiGiulio to help and now we're all set. Hooray!
    First of all I want to tell you that we all miss you a lot. Sometimes we have Invisible Anna in our meeting. She sits where you used to sit. Other times people just say 'I miss Anna."
    Today at snack we looked at your blog and everyone had a question or comment.

    Melissa: What happened when you got stuck up on that rock? Were you stuck in a tight place, or you couldn't go up any more?

    Lindy: When you were climbing did you have ropes in case you fall? I was skipping in my driveway and I was wearing mud boots and I fell and scraped my hands. It hurt so much I stayed home from school that day! I am OK now and I have lots of band aides.

    Ava: I miss you Anna. I like the pictures of the statues.

    Lily: How high were the rocks you were climbing on? I like the Flat Lily picture of me and Abraham Lincoln. We printed it out for me.

    David: I like the whale. Did you ask the people who work at the museum if it was a real whale? I am interested in killer whales but I have only seen one on tv.

    Gavin: I am interested in the baleen you saw. Do Baleen whales fight?

    Mrs. B- I really like the horse pictures you have sent me. I wonder what it is like to be a horse in the city. Do they live in a barn or a garage? Do they ever get to roll in the mud? The police horse and the carriage horse were beautiful and looked happy.

    Anna we will try to keep in touch even though we don't have school next week. We all send you a big hello and are happy to able to follow your adventures. Love from your kindergarten friends.

  4. Answers for my classmates:

    Melissa: I didn't get my legs stuck in the rock or anything like that. I just couldn't find anything to hold onto to help me go up higher. So I went down.

    Lindy: Yes, LIndy, I had ropes so I didn't fall. I hope you feel better with your scrapes.

    Ava: I miss you too. I wish that you could see the statues in person.

    Lily: The rocks were VERY high! But I wasn't afraid because if I fell I would have gone only an inch because of the ropes.

    David: I've see a killer whale on TV and in person. I was in Alaska when I saw one. We didn't ask the people in the museum if the whale was real.

    Gavin: Baleen whales are very peaceful creatures. They don't fight. They are more interested in eating krill.

    Mrs. B: I think that the police horse rolled in the mud. They probably live in a barn. We are still looking for wild horses for you. I saw a statue that was a horse.

    I miss you all.

